Secret Santa Website

Screencap of the Secret Santa Website's homepage

This website allows for people in the end-of-the-year holiday spirit to make and plan events centered around the ever-famous Secret Santa game. If you are familiar with this game, skip this next paragraph.

In Secret Santa, every person gets someone who we call their "secret santa": an anonymous person selected from the pool of people participating. This "secret santa" is in charge of getting you presents for the holiday season. It is rooted in Christmas and Christianity, but anyone can celebrate it!

The website had three people on the team: me, a mentee of mine named Jimmy Le, and a friend named Kimmy Ung. I served as the fullstack engineer as well as leader, Jimmy as the frontend engineer, and Kimmy as our artist. We decided we wanted to build the website from the ground up to give us some foundational experiences in working with a team and on a website that would be actually deployed! The deadlines were a bit rough since we are all students and the initial idea to deploy on AWS fell through the cracks, but we did manage to pull through regardless of all the setbacks. I was also teaching Jimmy how to frontend engineer as he had no prior experience.

The main components I provided to this project were:

  • Leadership of the project
  • Deployment
  • Some components of the final design
  • Setting up and managing GitHub as a source/version control system.
  • Database schema, creation, and management
  • Server handler

You can find the website here! I've included some more pictures below if you don't feel like venturing out too far, though.

Example of what creating an event looks like in the website Example of what post-event creation details looks like Example of what the wishlist page looks like