Cameron Mohne | Designing with

love , passion , & purpose .

Hello, my name is Cameron. Thanks for coming to learn more about me!

(If you're reading this, it's your cue to scroll down! Wow, are you still reading? I'm impressed with your attention span.)

About Me

Attending Stanford

I am incredibly blessed to currently be a master's student in Computer Science on Stanford's AI track. I also hold a minor in Education.

Representing SE Asians

I am 50% Lao, 50% Caucasian! From helping host workshops and organizing events to holding leadership positions in SVSA and LLSU. I love to be involved!

Love Teaching

I've tutored people throughout high school and college. Showing people the ropes—especially in coding—is one of my favorite activities!

Heatmap of where students from Code in Place lived.

I'm A Passionate Programmer

I am a software engineer designing programs and AI to solve problems on a global scale. Using novel machine learning techniques in conjunction with human-centered design, I’m working to find an educational model such that truly no kid will be left behind.

What am I doing when I'm not thinking of ways to design platforms to further worldwide education (or working on personal projects)? I'm educating! My passion and desire to share my joy is what drives me to go out of my way to share my knowledge. Here's where I've been lately in my communities.

Code In Place

In the 2021 iteration of this program, I was a volunteer section leader (and voted a section leader all-star 🤩), helping teach people from all ages and backgrounds across the world how to code!

In the 2023 iteration, I was fortunate enough to return and serve as Head TA! I was especially focused on serving section leader needs using my 2021 experience.

Now, it's 2024, and I'm even more grateful to be able to return as a part of the course development team. Good stuff.

(Click here to learn more about Code In Place!)

Most Recent Work

Image showcasing the front page of the Knowledge Tracing research paper

Student Knowledge Tracing

The first step to solving a problem is knowing what the problem itself is. How can we use DL to predict where we should look to help students?

Screencap of the front page of the Mua Lac Hong equipment website

Múa Lạc Hồng Inventorying Site

Used to help the club manage the vast amount of props they own. From inventorying to checkouts & returns.

Screencap of an example usage of the Bayesian Network GUI

Bayesian Networking GUI

Makes mapping Bayesian Networks easy! Though, I haven't really seen anyone use them recently... Huh.

Screencap of an event's page within the secret santa website

Secret Santa Website

Create a Secret Santa website with your friends and/or family! This one will be getting continuous updates, too!

Screencap of one of the data charts used in the study of academic success and free/reduced price meal districts

California School Study

We know household factors contributes to student performance. However, do school/teacher demographics play a part?

Image showcasing the front page of a research paper

Bug or Artistic Feature?

Is it possible to grade open-ended, creative assignments? How do we know what is a bug and what is a feature?

Languages & Frameworks


Proficient in Python. It is the ML Engineer's language of choice after all.


Familiar with Python's Flask Framework. My first intro to full-stack engineering.

NumPy & Pandas

Familiar with vectorization libraries and methods. Can't imagine ML without them.


Familiar with SQL. Let's just hope the database is structured well.

TensorFlow & PyTorch

Familiar with ML platforms. Helping us bring visions to reality in a timely manner.


Familiar with HTML & CSS. We all have a little bit of a designer inside us.

My Skills

So, what are you good at?

Let me show you! I've worked on projects from AI to WebDev. My passions are pretty spread out, so here are my top five skills (from my perspective).

Breakdown of why the skills matter into four reasons: applicability; flexibility; marketability; and aptitude
  • 01- Analysis

  • 02- Design

  • 03- AI Development

  • 04- Game Development

  • 05- Web Development


Get In Touch

Contact Details

Feel free to get in touch with me! My email is open. Take care now!
