Stanford Múa Lạc Hồng Inventorying Website

Front page of the Mua Lac Hong inventorying website

We all love a bit of dance and song in our lives!

With that being said, a lot has to go on behind the scenes. From choreographing, to blocking, to practicing. Now add managing a whole bunch of props to the mix. People check props in and out to practice with, props are fragile, and the props also wear faster from more use, causing the need for them to be inventoried consistently! As the equipment manager for Stanford's Múa Lạc Hồng (MLH) at the time, that's when I decided to take some time to develop this website to alleviate some of these issues as they overlap to some degree.

This website's main functionality is a dual-use purpose of allowing members to check props in-and-out automatically while updating the inventory, and allowing equipment managers to see what is checked out and by whom. There is also functionality for easy prop addition/deprecation and inventorying. My tenure ended, but there were plans to integrate prop quality, restock aid, and an admin notepad when I left.

As the sole developer, here's what I did to make this solution a reality:

  • Leadership of the project
  • UX/UI Design
  • Database schema, creation, and management
  • Server handler

This website is currently not for public availability or use. I've included some more pictures below though for your viewing pleasure.

(P.S. Did you recognize those colors? When you find them, I think you'll know why I chose them. The second meaning of MLH is "Much Love Here".)

Screencap highlight the dropdown menus of the website Screencap of the equipment checkout cart Screencap of the equipment return cart